Monday, February 24, 2014

What did I Learn... (Post 10)

I have learned much about other mythologies, and the gods and goddess that go along with those certain myths. He is what I learned:
Artemis- Zeus gave all the mountains to her at the age of 3 (to me that sounds a bit strange like seriously who would give that to a 3 year old child).
Apollo- He was born in Greece which somewhat surprised me.
Hermes- he made a lyre out of turtle and gave it to Apollo.
Set- Now this is surprising Set actually killed their brother.
Dionysus- His hometown is Thebes.
Freya- She has blue cats...
Isis- She tricks my Ra....
Balder- He is actually the god of light and peace which surprises me because with a name like that you think he would be dangerous.
Raven- He gave light to the world.
Demeter- She can invoke curses on anyone.
Horus- Okay this is strange this guy actually married his mother...
Loki- This is also very strange, Loki can change genders...
Odin- He had lost his eye because he gave his eye for wisdom.
Thor- Thor's hammer is made by dwarves.
Frigg- Her son is Boulder.
Guanyin- Goddess of mercy, because she sacrificed herself to her father.
Osiris- God of Underworld/ Vegetation, weird combination...

Hey Gods and Goddess, thanks for making me learn so much about yourself, this actually thought me a lot. Also don't forget about me...

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