Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Who is Ra? (First Post)

Ra is the Egyptian solar deity. The meaning of Ra is unknown, it was thought to mean sun, but it does not it is thought to be known as the creator or meaning creative power.
As shown in the picture Ra has an eagle mask. It is also said that humans were created from Ra's tears and sweat. Some of the Gods that were created by Ra are Bastet, Sekhmet, and Hathor. Bastet is known as the "Cat of Ra". Bastet is also Ra's daughter, she is known for decapitating the serpent Aphophis Ra's sworn enemy. Sekhmet another daughter, myth states she was so filled with rage that Ra was forced to turn her into a cow so she won't cause harm. Hathor again another daughter, said to cause Ra deep depression without her. Some of his sworn enemies are Ptah, Isis, and Apep. Ra became a major God in the ancient Egyptain religion, he is identified primarily with the midday sun. There is no information about his origin.